Computer Maintenance & Servicing
If you want to keep your computer running well we recommend a check up every 6 months. We can check that your virus software is updated and that the latest version is installed, we can also update windows and any hardware drivers.
We recommend that you have a backup routine for your photos, music and documents just in case your hard drive fails. Backups should be done daily weekly or monthly depending on your individual needs.
Preventive Maintenance Saves Money:
I’m sure we’ve all heard the old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. It’s trite, but it is also true. Avoiding problems with your PC will save you money in the long run, compared with laying out cash for new components or repair jobs.
Preventive Maintenance Saves Time:
Saves time? How can taking two hours a month to perform maintenance save time? Because it saves you the much bigger hassles of dealing with system failures and data loss.
Preventive Maintenance Helps Safeguard Your Data:
For most people, the data on the hard disk is more important than the hardware that houses it. Taking steps to protect this data therefore makes sense.
Preventive Maintenance Improves Performance:
Some parts of your system will actually degrade in performance over time, and preventive maintenance will help to improve the speed of your system in these respects.